Have you ever had an unexpected car repair, home repair, medical or dental emergency that rocked you with a $500, $700 or $1000 bill you had not planned on?

Would you like to have a freedom account of $1000, $5000, $10,000 or more to cushion the unexpected financial blows that life can bring?

Maybe you are asking,“This sounds like a great concept, but I can hardly make ends meet now. How am I going to come up with an extra $1000 for emergencies?” This book was designed to answer this very question.

It will provide:

  • 15 small, but powerful ideas (we call them Freedom Weapons) that have helped people firmly establish a Freedom Account as a way of life for them and their family. You can choose 1, 2, or all 15 to propel you on your way.
  • Three ways to not only save money, but capture the savings into your Account. There is a huge difference between saving money and capturing money!
  • Several ideas on how to stay motivated and make the savings habit a lifelong practice.

Most financial advisers call this concept of an emergency account the most important first step toward financial freedom and success.

The Freedom Account™ Videos